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藝術家李昆霖於1965年在台南出生。1992 年,李昆霖和藝術家朋友們成立了台南最早的替代空間「邊陲文化」空間,便開始在藝壇嶄露頭角。他的作品充滿了想像,並以生命、母體、大地和孤獨作為主要創作題材。2009年,李昆霖隱身山林,與世長辭。然而,如同他所說:




Lee Kuen Lin is an artist who was born in Tainan in 1965. Lee Kuen Lin started to earn prestige from the art world by forming an art space called the "Border Culture" with friends near the Tainan Cultural Center in 1992. His artwork is imaginative and often related to life, earth, and loneliness. In 2009, Lee Kuen Lin's spirit dissolved and settled in the mountains. However, it is like what he said:


"Man produces artworks as a means of propagating the existence of the human spirit, thereby allowing life to break free from the limitations of the physical body. In this way, the number of people, living creatures, spiritual symbols, and eternal existence, will always exist… It is a way to solve the problem of existence when the body begins to falter and decay.”





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