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  • 文/ 李昆霖 Written by Lee Kuen Lin

繁殖 Reproduction

■ 像子彈從槍口衝出-碰、碰、碰。穿透豐腴的土壤表面,進入質變的程序中,綠色擠出火紅堅硬的殼,生命氣味由夾縫裡滲出… 生命的氣息不間斷地哇哇叫!誕生是痛苦與喜悅的交織,是生存過程的前奏,死亡等同於誕生的感覺效應,有無數的子彈在人體裡、空氣中穿梭…

■ 今年農曆元月-我的女兒從她媽媽的肚子裡跑出來,在我拍下她出生後的首張照片時,強烈地感受到-這是件活生生的作品,最真實、會哭、會笑、會餓、會鬧、會拉、會睡、會想、會繁殖…

■ 繁殖,是生命存在延續的要素。創作跟生孩子一樣,必須歷經長期的孕育… 最後,順產或難產?其生命力是否旺盛?其精神能存在多久?仍是未知數。

■ 人生産人。人生産作品,作品生産意念,意念生産精神,精神生産生命,生命生産存在… 創作是為了繁衍人的精神存在,讓生命擴散出肉體的侷限範圍,產生更多的人、生命體、精神象徵、永恆存在… 解決肉體腐朽敗壞的存在問題。

■ 碰、碰、碰,子彈從槍口衝出-掃射火紅堅硬殼上的綠色,生命氣味由夾縫中滲入土壤深層… 生命的氣息不間断地哇哇叫!死亡等同於誕生的感覺效應,有無數的子弹在人體內、空氣中穿梭…

■ Like innumerable bullets rushing out of a gun’s muzzle – boom. boom. boom. They penetrate the surface of the fertile soil and bring about the process of birth. From the spent red shell, the green growth of life begins and breath of life seeps through the holes. The breath of life smokes endlessly from the muzzle and the soil! Birth is an interweaving of pain and joy, a prelude to our life process and in many ways the equivalent to process of death. They penetrate the surface of the fertile soil and bring about the spark of life.

■ This lunar year, in January, my daughter was born. When I took the first picture of her after birth, I had a strong feeling that she was the most real piece of my life. She could cry, laugh, feel hunger, be naughty, defecate, sleep, think and breed. . .

■ Reproduction is an essential factor for the continuation of life. Like giving birth to children, creation must go through the same long period of gestation. In the end, there is the unknown factor every creator must face, whether a birth will be successful or a dystocia. After birth, will this being be vitality strong? How long can their spirit exist?

■ Human beings produce human beings. Human beings produce artwork, artwork produces ideas, ideas produce spirits, spirits produce life, life produces existence. . . Man produces artworks as a means of propagating the existence of the human spirit, thereby allowing life to break free from the limitations of the physical body. In this way, an artist solves the problem of existence when the body begins to falter and decay by existing through their spiritual symbols, creative works and influence. In this way, they will live on in eternal existence and overcome death.

■ Boom. boom. boom, bullets rushing out of a gun’s muzzle - peppering the ground from a fiery shell. The smell of birth infiltrates into the soil through the cracks. . . The breath of life smokes endlessly from the muzzle and the soil! The process of death is equivalent to birth. There are innumerable bullets traveling in the human body and in the air. . .

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佈滿紋理的軀體: 從指紋開始去看全身的軀體,無一處沒有紋理。經由紋理記載軀體的歷史,此乃看得到的部份。在看不到的部份,均存放在記憶體裡,即精神的紋理。 接收與不接受的訊息: 在頻率上所接收到的訊息,是有趣與無趣的選擇。感興趣的,在時間的沖刷下所遺留的部份是有趣中的有趣。憑著所殘留的有趣記憶,轉述如閱讀光碟紋理般呈現的影像,是一種訊息。 承載與被承載的記憶體: 就腦容量而言,人可承載下的記憶不一,當


我曾說過:我喜愛遊山玩水;我想天下人皆然,因為遊山玩水讓人心懭神怡,忘懷世俗的憂愁。對畫家而言,遊山玩水亦能提供給畫家題材及靈感。 現在我更要說,我喜歡純粹的遊山玩水,而不喜歡邊玩邊寫景。面對山水,只要縱情的去玩,面對繪畫則是之後的事。 遊山玩水後回到工作室,是繪畫的開始,一切的想像,幻影均在方格之間產生,而不是面對自然之景時產生;只有避開自然之景,幻想才會產生,面對自然之景,只有被吸引的份。

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